Chat City

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Chat City!

At Chat City, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect from our users, how we use this information, and how we protect it.

Information We Collect

When you use Chat City, we may collect the following types of information:

  1. Personal Information: When you sign up for Chat City, we may collect your name, email address, phone number, or other personal information you provide to us.
  2. Usage Information: We collect information about your use of the Chat City service, including the messages you send and receive, the time and date of these messages, and any images, videos, or other files you share.
  3. Device Information: We may collect information about the device you are using to access Chat City, including the device type, operating system, and browser type.

How We Use Information

We use this information for the following purposes:

  1. Personalization: We use your personal information to personalize your chat experience, including recommending friends and groups, suggesting content, and sending notifications.
  2. Improving the Chat App: We use usage and device information to optimize the performance of our chat app, including improving the speed and reliability of the app and detecting and preventing fraudulent activity.
  3. Communication: We use your personal information to communicate with you about our chat app, including updates and announcements, and to respond to your questions and feedback.
  4. Research and Development: We may use anonymized usage data to conduct research and development to improve the functionality of our chat app.


Chat City uses third party apps and other platforms to fetch your data such as;

  1. Username
  2. Profile picture
  3. Gender
  4. Region
  5. Other information gathered from Facebook or Gmail


We will also receive information about you (including age data and demographic information) from third parties (such as advertising networks and analytics providers) and from other sources, including business directories and other commercially or publicly available sources.

If users need to unauthorize a third party server or wants the chat city app to delete any data collected, users can;

  1. log out of their authorized account
  2. Clear app’s cache
  3. Delete the app
  4. Contact and request the chat city app team


If you use Facebook Login for authentication. We may use your personal information for their purposes. For details regarding Facebook Authentication please refer to Facebook’s privacy and the rest of the policies.

  1. Facebook Login: Users who want to access our chat app with their Facebook accounts will need to use the Facebook Login feature. This will allow us to authenticate their identity and ensure that they are who they claim to be.
  2. Information we collect: When users log in with their Facebook accounts, we will collect the following information: their name, email address, profile picture, and a unique identifier that we use to associate their Facebook account with their chat app account.
  3. Use of information: We will only use the information collected from users' Facebook accounts to authenticate their identity and provide a seamless login experience. We will not share this information with any third parties.
  4. User control: Users have the ability to control the information that is shared between Facebook and our chat app. They can choose to revoke our access to their Facebook information at any time by adjusting their Facebook privacy settings.
  5. Security measures: We take the security of our users' information seriously, and therefore we have implemented several security measures to ensure that their Facebook information is protected. We use encryption to secure all data transfers between Facebook and our servers, and we also regularly monitor our systems for any suspicious activity.

By using Facebook Login to authenticate users' identities, we believe that we are providing our users with a secure and convenient way to access our chat app. We are committed to protecting their privacy and ensuring that their information is always kept safe.

1.1 What data are we processing?

Upon registering and logging in via Facebook, the platform will request the user's profile picture, nickname, region, and gender. The platform is unable to acquire the above personal information if the user does not permit it.

This information is obtained in order to provide the user with a good experience. The other type of information is your device's type, browser information, IP address, Mac address and other unique identifiers. In addition, we collect the information of the location where users are using our services.

1.2 How Are We Processing Data?

Your device-specific information is stored when you log into our app. We may also receive your time when you open and how much time you spend with our app.

As part of the feedback process, we may receive your name and email address.

• We may send you push notifications to keep you updated with upcoming promotions and updates on our product.

To ensure that you can play the game without interruption, crash reports are also collected and provided to service providers.

 User’s friends will not be notified upon granting access and the platform will not use the friends’ data for other users.

1.3  How User May Request To Delete Data?

- Users can disable/leave the Facebook login/authentication, the platform will no longer be able to access user data.

- when the user leaves the Facebook login or logs out from Facebook the platform will delete all-user's data like:

· Profile Picture

· User name

· Region

· Gender

· And all Facebook data that is fetched.

We are no longer able to retrieve user data if the user deletes or uninstalls the game or app. The user’s data will be deleted automatically.

By clearing app data from app info, the user can also delete the data.

- If still at any point the user wants us to delete any specific information or requests, we immediately take action against it and delete the data permanently.


If you use Google Login for authentication. We may use your personal information for their purposes. For details regarding Google Authentication please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy, Advertising Policy, Technology Policy and other policies.

  1. User Accounts: To use our chat app, users must have a Google account. This ensures that each user is uniquely identified and that we can provide them with a personalized experience. Users can create a new Google account or use an existing one.
  2. Password Policy: We require users to create a strong and unique password for their Google account. Passwords must be at least eight characters long and include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Users are encouraged to use a password manager to securely store their passwords.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication: We strongly encourage users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on their Google accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a verification code in addition to the user's password to access their account. Users can choose to receive 2FA codes via SMS, voice call, or a mobile app like Google Authenticator.
  4. Device Verification: When a user logs in to our chat app from a new device, we may require them to verify the device before allowing them to access their account. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and protects the user's data.
  5. Suspicious Activity Detection: We use advanced machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious activity on user accounts. If we detect any unusual activity, we may temporarily lock the account or require the user to verify their identity before allowing them to access their account.
  6. Account Recovery: In the event that a user loses access to their account, we have a secure account recovery process in place. This process requires the user to verify their identity by providing information such as their phone number, alternate email address, or answers to security questions.

By following these authentication policies, we can ensure that our chat app remains a safe and secure platform for users to communicate with one another. We take pride in the security of our services and will continue to innovate to improve the safety of our users.

2.1 What data are we processing?

2.2 Why are we processing your data?

Data Deletion

We will delete your data in the following circumstances:

  1. If you delete your account, we will delete all personal information associated with your account within a reasonable time.
  2. If we determine that your account has been inactive for a certain period of time, we may delete your personal information associated with your account.
  3. If we receive a request from you to delete your personal information, we will do so within a reasonable time.
  4. If we determine that it is necessary to delete your personal information to comply with legal obligations or protect the security of our chat app, we will do so within a reasonable time.

Auto Data Deletion

User Control:

  1. Users may request the chat app to delete their data at any time by contacting customer support.
  2. Users may also choose to manually delete their own data, such as chat history or search history, at any time.
  3. The chat city app will also clear the data if the users chose to uninstall the app, clear data/cache from storage.

Data Security:

  1. The chat city app will ensure the security and confidentiality of all data in its possession, including through the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures.
  2. The chat city app will restrict access to data only to those who have a legitimate need to access it, such as for the purpose of providing customer support.

How We Protect Information

At Chat City, we take the security of our users' information very seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your information, including:

  1. Data Encryption

We use encryption to protect the transmission of data between our servers and our users' devices. This means that all data sent and received through our chat app is encrypted, making it more difficult for unauthorized third parties to intercept and access the data.

  1. Access Controls

We use access controls to restrict access to our users' personal information to authorized personnel only. This means that our employees and contractors can only access personal information when it is necessary to provide support to our users or to improve the performance of our chat app.

  1. Data Backups

We maintain backups of our users' personal information to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure or other unforeseen circumstances. This means that our users' personal information is securely stored in multiple locations, ensuring that it can be restored in the event of a disaster or data breach.

  1. Regular Security Audits

We conduct regular security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities in our systems and processes. This means that we proactively seek out and address potential security issues before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

  1. Data Breach Response Plan

We have a data breach response plan in place to minimize the impact of a security breach on our users' personal information. This means that in the event of a data breach, we will take swift action to notify our users and relevant authorities, and work to remediate the breach and prevent it from happening again.

Data Retention Policy


The purpose of this data retention policy is to ensure that the chat city app retains data for only as long as necessary, while also complying with applicable laws and regulations.


This data retention policy applies to all data collected and processed by the chat city app.


Retention Period:

a) The chat city app will retain data for as long as necessary to provide the app's services to its users.

b) The chat city app will also retain data for as long as necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as data protection laws and tax laws.

Types of Data:

a) The chat city app will retain user account information, including usernames and profile pictures, for as long as the user has an active account.

b) The chat city app will retain data related to transactions, such as payment information, for as long as necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Data Security:

a) The chat city app will ensure the security and confidentiality of all data in its possession, including through the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures.

b) The chat city app will restrict access to data only to those who have a legitimate need to access it, such as for the purpose of providing customer support.

Data Backup:

a) The chat city app will regularly backup data to ensure that it can be restored in the event of a data loss incident.

b) The app will store backup data in a secure location to prevent unauthorized access.

Data Sharing

We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes except in the following circumstances:

  1. With your consent: We may share your personal information with third parties with your consent, such as when you use Chat City to connect with other apps or services.
  2. To comply with the law: We may be required to disclose your personal information to law enforcement or other government agencies in response to a legal request.

Children Policy for Chat App

The purpose of this children policy is to protect the privacy and safety of children using the chat app. This children policy applies to all children under the age of 13 who use the chat app, as well as their parents or legal guardians.

Parental Consent:

a) Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to register for an account on the chat app without the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

b) The chat app will require the parent or legal guardian to provide verifiable consent, such as through a signed consent form or by completing an online consent process.

c) The chat app will collect the parent or legal guardian's contact information during the consent process.

Parental Controls:

a) The chat city app will provide parents or legal guardians with tools to monitor and control their child's use of the chat app.

b) Parents or legal guardians can review their child's chat history, block contacts, and set time limits for app use.

Content Filtering:

a) The chat city app will use content filtering tools to prevent children from accessing inappropriate content.

b) The chat city app will also prohibit the use of profanity, hate speech, and other inappropriate language.

Reporting and Blocking:

a) The chat city app will provide a reporting system for children to report inappropriate behavior or content.

b) The chat city app will also provide tools to block contacts and prevent them from contacting the child.

Data Protection:

a) The chat city app will comply with all applicable data protection laws, such as COPPA and GDPR, to protect the privacy and security of children's personal information.

b) The chat city app will not share or sell children's personal information to third parties without the consent of their parents or legal guardians.


a) The chat city app will enforce this children's policy.

b) Any user who violates this policy may have their account deactivated or deleted.


This children policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed to reflect changes in technology and privacy practices.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our privacy practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email or through the Chat City service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Chat City support.